Tagged : Recreation in Park City

Found 13 blog entries tagged as "Recreation in Park City".


In Park City, Utah Halloween is a big deal, for kids, for big kids (adults) and even for pets! Each year there is a big parade and trick-or-treat event right on historic Main Street. The street is closed off for the afternoon, and it gives a great opportunity for the kids to get out and enjoy the Halloween fun before dark, and before it gets too cold (often can be quite cold or snowing on Halloween). For the parents it is a chance to see all the other parents and have fun together as one large group in a safe and fun setting. The stores are all involved, handing out candy and treats. Even the pets are in on it!  Some of the best costumes are on the dogs. Below is a picture of Heather with our dog Brinkley (a Bernese Mountain Dog) dressed up as a Lady

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Park City Mountain Resort has been moved lots of dirt at the site of the Olympic Halfpipe.  The plan is to improve the area around the halfpipe, mainly the ski race route that passes the halfpipe.  Also, by building up the walls of the dirt that will eventually help form the halfpipe walls, the resort can build the pipe sooner in the season by requiring less snow to be created for the pipe.  In addition the pipe will sit at a slightly more steeper angle, to be better in-line with the new industry standards fpr the popular event.

The resort has also removed the old, slow Three Kings double chair and is replacing with a high-speed triple chairlift.  Rumor has it the high-speed chair will have a fixed chair, vs. the normal dettachable system.  To get

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Summer in Park City is known for enjoying music outdoors with the mountains a natural backdrop. Promontory has hosted wonderful musical acts in for years, with the ever-popular Bluebird Café series and our summer Promontory Foundation benefit that has featured acts including The Temptations, Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys and BeatleMajesty.

The Amphitheater will be one of the Shed's most prominent features. The stage will look out on tiered, lawn seating that can accommodate tables for semi-formal events or picnic baskets and blankets for more casual performances. The Amphitheater will also include a dance floor in the mosh pit, so the whole family can get into the act!

The Kid's Club will organize Promontory's younger Thespians to show off their

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