June 2022

Found 2 blog entries for June 2022.

park city utah 4th july parade

There is no better place to celebrate the 4th of July than Park City, Utah.

Enjoy a full day of activities with fun for the entire family. The Pancake Breakfast at City Park starts at 7am - a long-time tradition and a great way to start the day.

The Cole Sport 5k Fun Run starts at 8 am and benefits the athletes of Park City Ski & Snowboard. This race has a wonderful history, going back to the early 80's! Each year there are roughly 900 to 1300 runners, ranging in ages and abilities! This summer marks the 38th year for the 4th of July 5K Fun Run in our community and PCSS.

The July 4th Parade on Main Street starts at 11 am. This is a major attraction in Park City, so be sure to arrive early to find a good place to watch. The parade route begins

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deer crest ski homes summer park city

This last week marked the official start of Summer. The snow has melted, the mountains are green, and visitors are back in town. With record inflation and increasing interest rates, many wonder what the real estate market will look like this summer? Will we see a market shift or downturn for real estate in Park City? Will prices continue to rise, plateau, or possibly dip? These are great questions that are hard to answer with an accurate prediction of what will come.

Most real estate professionals do not foresee a housing market crash. Many believe that we may be seeing a shift in mindset, but it is too early to say if we are truly experiencing a shift in the market. Inventory does seem to be increasing, but will that lead to lower prices, or will

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